Stagii de practica disponibile
Stagiu Heaven Solutions 2005

Intern Mobile

Numarul de pozitii disponibile: 1 pozitie
Departament/echipa: SD
Perioada de aplicare pentru acest stagiului: 13.04.2015 - 01.05.2015
Perioada de desfasurare a stagiului: 01.06.2015 - 30.09.2015
Salariu: -
Cunostinte minime :

Programming, web, mobile
Comunication ability, open-minded
Ability to see and understand the big picture
Knowledge of product development process/service design
English, german is a plus

Cunostinte ce vor fi dobandite

Software development full cycle
Team working
Business and IT Alignment Process
Research & development practices
German skills

Activitati desfasurate in timpul stagiului

-Requirements elicitation
-Involving in software development
-Participate in team meetings
-Work closely to the testing team
-May involve direct comunication with client
-Informal training and best practice learning
-Brainstorming for improving service & products
-Analisys of new tehnologies and their features (intelligent smartwatches)

Continuarea colaborarii

Full-time, part-time colaboration